俄羅斯攝影師 Murad Osmann 拍攝 Follow me 的一系列作品,以第一人稱角度在不同的場景讓女朋友牽著手帶領。
這作品是 Osmann 與他女友環遊世界時拍攝。因 Osmann 總是都在拍照,所以女友不耐煩的牽著他走,因而產生的作品。
Becker's note
“Follow me to” by Murad Osmann
Russian photographer Murad Osmann has posted lots of Instagram pictures featuring his girlfriend leading him by the hand to various parts of the world.Each picture of the couple is always taken from behind with Osmann’s hand clasping tightly to his partner’s as she guides him across the world. Big Ben in England, Disney World in Hong Kong, streets of Venice, beautiful beaches. Lots of people have taken the journey with them, following along vicariously online.Don’t waste your time and travel with these creative pictures too!